Thursday, June 24, 2010

How do i reduce wrinkles?

Use products that contain retinol and alpha hydroxy acids. Neutrogena Deep Wrinkle cream is what I use. It has an SPF of 20, so it's a daytime cream, and they also make a nighttime cream. Even though the creams so to avoid the eye area, just rub the cream as close to the eye as you can get (that's where wrinkles are!). They only say to avoid the eye area because they want you to purchase their seperate eye cream.

After using the product a few weeks you'll definitely notice a difference.How do i reduce wrinkles?
I knows there one way is to eat fruit that are collagen. The fruits to reduce wrinkles are the following: Blueberry, Strawberry, spinach, Brussels Sprout, Plum, broccoli,beets, orange, and red grapes.

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