Thursday, June 24, 2010

What causes a wrinkled chicken egg?

My hen layed an egg with ridges. Uniform in size and shape, but has deep ridges in the shell; very artistic. Has no folds, dimples,or lumps. Looks like a Rocky Mountain eggWhat causes a wrinkled chicken egg?
I would think it has something to do with the diet of your bird. Weak, thin shells or other deformities in an egg can be caused by mineral or vitamin deficiencies.

Crushed oyster shells are a great source of calcium, which your hens need for egg production. A good, varied diet consisting of at least 12% protein feed and a variety of fresh treats and free ranging allows for a varied diet and a healthy flock.

We also feed ours scrambled eggs with some milk and whey from cheese production. Try increasing her calcium and this should help. You certainly don't want to take a chance with her becoming egg bound.

BTW, can't imagine that would've felt too good laying that one! OUCH!What causes a wrinkled chicken egg?
Genetic or chemical deformity causes it. Has the Hen been around any pesticides?
Poor nutrition causes flaws in the shell. your chickens need a 'laying mash'
old age
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