You CANNOT. And i am POSITIVE with that(:
Aging and heat from the sun can, also stress.Do makeup cause wrinkles驴?
Uh, why would you wait until morning to wash off your makeup?!
First off, the pores in your face breathe too. When you pile on your makeup, and go to bed with it (and the dirt of the day) still on, your pores open up and breathe that in too.
It's not that it's going to cause wrinkles, but it's going to cause hygeine problems!
I have a friend who slept with her makeup on, and all of a sudden, her mascara and eyeliner started to clog up her eyelid. She had to go have surgery done to remove a grape-sized cyst full of makeup off her eyelid.
Just wash it off before you go to bed!
Of course! During sleep, the skin is healing and what you put (or didn't take off) will really affect your skin. It will cause break-outs and eventually wrinkles!
Make it a beauty routine to take off your make-up before bed and put on some moisturiser to help make your skin glow and wrinkle free when you wake up. Try anti-aging at early 20's to make skin looking young for a long time.
Sleeping in make-up causes your skin to age 7 years faster than it naturally would like if you were 50 years old, it would look like you were almost 60 if you keep doing it.
It may not cause any wrinkling but it makes the skin week. It鈥檚 better if u take it off as soon as your home. Make it a habit to do it before anything else and with time it will be easy.
yes it you dont wash it off it can !
just take it off when you goes to bed and youll be fine !
buy make-up remover or make-up wipes , its soo easy then :D
well it definately isnt good for your skin. as you know it clogs your poors and is just not healthy but im not sure about wrinkles!
maybe...(i know this isnt the question but...)u shouldnt sleep with makeup on....eventually it will make u get pimples...and i dont think anyone wants that!
uhm it may. but it will cause you to break out eventually.
im pretty sure it can't. you get wrinkles from the sun an aging..
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