Saturday, December 5, 2009

I am fat girl of 26 yrs old presently i hv a puffy face if i will reduce ill hve wrinkles on face?

how can we avoid strtch marks of loosening fat on arms and abdomen after reducingI am fat girl of 26 yrs old presently i hv a puffy face if i will reduce ill hve wrinkles on face?
Your skin will shrink back. Lose the weight slowly so it's not so drastic. My husband used to weigh 230 pounds. He lost 60 pounds slowly over a few years. He has no sagging skin at all. And this happened in his 40s.I am fat girl of 26 yrs old presently i hv a puffy face if i will reduce ill hve wrinkles on face?
ating loads of protein in you diet(eggs,,,fish,,,milk)thsi way youll have less...becuse youll loose weight and you have to exercise...cos when you loose weight you have excess skin left if you dont replace it with muscle and the only way to build muscle is protein

I reduced by 5 stone - i diddnt have facial wrinkles - but you should be using a good moisturiser, besides the health benefits far out weigh any potential wrinkle.

Use Bio Oil for reduction of stretchmarks - its brilliant.
No... Skin Shrinks.... Just to help, I lost weight on the South Beach... I read the book and really followed the phase 1 part for 3 weeks before moving to phase 2... It does work... Stops the cravings and I feel like I eat all the time... I started walking and now I run - I hit my goal weight in just a few months. Hope this helps...
If so do skin tightening.

Free beauty tips on natural and homemade methods to skin tightening

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Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/Hair removal/

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Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness

Makeup/Hair styles
you can t prevent or reduce it you can only lighten it by using a tissue oil and it willhappen gradually not within the first like 2 or 3 weeks
If you gained alot of weight you'll probably have some stretch marks. Use cocoa butter to soften your skin. I doubt you'll have wrinkles on your face at 26 ! Just think of them as your war scars and not put on so much weight again. It will be tough but you can do it.
I dont know that you can. it depends on your current size.

The most improtant thing is that you loose the weight and not worry about the potential superficial stretch marks. I know you will be much more pleased with the weitght loss results than being overweight.

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