#1 step of course is me Quiting. I have done so for a month now. O and Im only 26, female. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.When I smoke, I end up having dry and wrinkled skin and my face. what can I do to improve my skin? I will quit
Many products are not helpful. Do a Google search ';harmful skin products'; and see they are skin harming, skin aging, and some even toxic %26amp; health harming.
This secret technique was handed down mother to daughter over many generations in our family. It really is a miracle treatment/cure and has helped many on Answers. Search my Best Answers(Skin Conditions/anti aging/rejuvenation) to see glowing reports. Secret is repeatedly massaging quite firmly with natural oils. Olive oil is excellent. It's a natural healer and a perfect moistuizer. Beauticians and others have fostered the idea that we should only gently massage but doing it quite vigorously has only benefited users. You have to tighten and flex the part being massaged and doing so it exercises and conditions all face(and some neck) muscles whilst skin is being firmed and tightened. Skin is constantly shedding and renewing. The invigorating massage speeds this up and forces a new clearer and firmer and less wrinkled skin to quickly appear. It literally can rejuvenate the face. If focus on wrinkles and lines the treatment literally rubs them away or greatly diminishes them and it helps prevents new ones forming. It also gives skin a radiantly healthy glow.
If you cannot find the very detailed massage instructions with a Search, please email me and I will gladly send them to you
SOURCE(S): 20+years research into natural treatments/cures of skin, scalp and hair problems and anti aging/rejuvenation treatmentsWhen I smoke, I end up having dry and wrinkled skin and my face. what can I do to improve my skin? I will quit
obviously people didnt read that you quit already congrats on that i know its hard
start taking multivitamins everyday , like b12 it helps your nails skin hair it does amazing things
and also fish oil pills im telling you you will see a difference
put spf on your face everyday i use cetaphil its a moisturizer and spf at the same time
lots of water, try to cut down on coffee and if you wash your face avoid your eye area it can dry it up which causes wrinkles
good luck =/
Salicylic Acid Peels. A good skin care regime. A good skin diet. A good diet period.
Cute.... recommendation of Vitamin C is good too in addition to my above statement.
Vitamin C is a good antioxidant. People are told to take vitamin c that live in highly polluted areas so I imagine your body is polluted from the cigarettes. Could be worth a try.
Imagine your lungs!!....Do you know them women that you see walking around that are wrinkled all over and are about 45 and look 70....yeahh cigarette's..That will be your future if you don't quit.
yup. quit it. drink lots and lots of water and get plenty of sleep.
Try taking Conzace. It really works great on skin.
come ON. you answered your own question.. QUIT!
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